I do not like my little bed.
This is no good.
This is not right.
My feet stick out of bed all night.
And when I pull them in,
Oh, dear!
My head sticks out of bed up here!
###Notice the use of white space throughout the excerpt
In addition, Dr. Seuss uses colorful, often made-up, adjectives or nouns to create unique descriptions and keep the rhyme scheme's flow. For example:
"Then he hides what you paid him
away in his Snuvv,
his secret strange hole
in his gruvvulous glove."
Although it may seem childish, it's essentially writing genius. He uses childish and imaginative words to capture an idea vividly, while fitting it perfectly into his rhyme scheme (two birds with one stone). His creative and gentle genius in writing has influenced many generations. He will remain a timeless and original writer.
Well said, Max. Your responses are always thoughtful and well written.